Artist Talk: Eileen Perrier and Autograph, ABP Newspaper Launch


In 2014 Eileen Perrier created the Peckham Square Studio exhibition and a special edition ABP newspaper. Here she discusses the ideas behind her work with writer Michael McMillan and Emily Druiff, Trustee and Founder, Peckham Platform.

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Artist Janette Parris at Peckham Promeade exhibition

Artist Talk: Janette Parris, Peckham Promenade

Janette Parris in conversation with Tamsin Dillon, Curator of 14-18 Now and former Director of Art on the Underground.

Film: SlipStream by David Cotterrell

This video by Gordon Beswick documents the launch event and artist talk for David Cotterrell’s 2011 commission SlipStream.

Resource: Autodidacts reading collection

Resource: Bookbed autodidacts reading collection

To accompany the exhibition Bookbed, artist Ruth Beale has complied a small collection of books by or about autodidacts and self-education, and books selected to aid the autodidact.


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